Monday, February 1, 2021

Today's Favorite Verse: Doctrine & Covenants 132:13

Today's Favorite Verse: Doctrine & Covenants 132:13

"And everything that is in the world, whether it be ordained by men, by thrones, or principalities, or powers, or things of name, whatsoever they may be, that are not by me or by my word, saith the Lord, shall be thrown down, and shall not remain after men are dead, neither in nor after the resurrection, saith the Lord your God."

This chapter is going over the new and everlasting covenant, eternal marriage. I pondered on how regardless of man creating laws it cannot establish or change the laws God has set. One could at first think of same-sex marriages and man changing the law to support and legalize them. However, what I thought of was a marriage license between a man and woman. Legally and lawfully married in their church. Regardless, that marriage will not survive into the eternities. It remains till death us do part. It is only through the ordinances ordained by God, in his holy temples, that a sealing can take place between a man and a woman, that will last through the eternities. Those that did not have that opportunity in this life, will have the opportunity to accept the ordinances by proxy, done in their behalf in the house of the Lord.

Day 2135

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