Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Today's Favorite Verse: Jacob 5:71

Today's Favorite Verse: Jacob 5:71
"And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come."

In the past I disliked coming to this chapter in the Book of Mormon. It is 77 verses long and talks about tree husbandry. Over the years I have come to love it for I see the dispensations in it, and how long the Lord has worked to preserve his vineyard. I can see we are at the very end, that last time the Lord will nourish his vineyard. This is the last time laborers are called to work with Him.

As I was reading through this I thought of the apocrypha and how some have grasped onto a part they call Ezra's eagle. I have had no desire to follow their wresting of these non-canonized verses, especially with the political emphases they put on it.

"Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you concerning the Apocrypha—There are many things contained therein that are true, and it is mostly translated correctly;
There are many things contained therein that are not true, which are interpolations by the hands of men."
(Doctrine and Covenants 91:1-2)

The impression I received while ready the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees is we would have a much better understanding of the Lord's work reading it, than with twisting the interpolation of man to make it stand for something it is not.

"This great and last dispensation is building steadily to its climax—Zion on earth being joined with Zion from above at the Savior’s glorious return. The Church of Jesus Christ is commissioned to prepare—and is preparing—the world for that day. And so, this Easter, let us truly celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and all that it portends: His return to reign for a thousand years of peace, a righteous judgment and perfect justice for all, the immortality of all who ever lived upon this earth, and the promise of eternal life. Christ’s Resurrection is the ultimate assurance that all will be put right. Let us be about building up Zion to hasten that day. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
(D. Todd Christofferson, "Preparing for the Lord's Return", Apr 2019 General Conference)

Day 3409

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