Monday, May 27, 2024

Today's Favorite Verse: Revelation 18:1, 4

Today's Favorite Verse: Revelation 18:1, 4
"And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

I pondered on coming out of Babylon and how the people of the world will mourn when they see it burning. I wondered how will I know I'm not partaking of Babylon, so I'm not part of her sins or plagues? Then I thought about this angel that comes down before Babylon is destroyed, and the earth is lightened with his glory. With that light knowledge on how to come out of Babylon will be there. Sounds like the restoration of the gospel to me.

I thought about the messages that are coming from the leaders of the Church. The intensity of the messages are getting brighter and brighter, President Nelson is not even subtle anymore on how close we are to the second coming. In 2005 then Elder Nelson gave a talk titled "Now is the Time to Prepare", "Now is the time to prepare to meet God. Tomorrow may be too late." 17 years later as prophet he tells us preparation time is over, now is the time for doing.

"Now is the Time"
"Only now can we do.
Now is the time we can learn.
Now is the time we can repent.
Now is the time we can bless others."
(President Nelson, "Now is the Time", Apr 2022 General Conference)

"The Lord is hastening His work and urging us to prepare for His Second Coming...I cannot overstate how vital you and your choices are."
(Russell M. Nelson, "Nevada Devotional" 13 Nov 2022)

"As President of His Church, I plead with you who have distanced yourselves from the Church and with you who have not yet really sought to know that the Savior's Church has been restored. Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out."
(Russell M. Nelson, "Come Follow Me", April 2019 General Conference)

"For decades, the Lord's prophets have urged us to store food, water, and financial reserves for a time of need. The current pandemic has reinforced the wisdom of that counsel. I urge you to take steps to be temporally prepared. But I am even more concerned about your spiritual and emotional preparations."
(Russell M. Nelson, "Embrace the Future with Faith", Oct 2020 General Conference)

"Using a baseball analogy, we are in the last half of the ninth inning. Our Heavenly Father and His Son chose you to be on Their team when the game is on the line. This means They know you, They trust you and will help you fulfill your personal mission on this earth."
(Russell M. Nelson, "Worldwide Youth Devotional", June 2018)

"I now bless you with the ability to leave the world behind as you assist in this crucial and urgent work. Together we can do all that our Heavenly Father needs us to do to prepare the world for the Second Coming of His Beloved Son."
(President Nelson, "Sisters' Participating in the Gathering of Israel", Oct 2018)

"Things are going to move forward at an accelerated pace. The Church is going to have an unprecedented future, unparalleled. We're just building up to what's ahead now."
(During Rome Temple interview, "President Nelson: 'President Nelson: 'a hinge point in the history of the Church", Church News, 27 Dec 2019)

"The Lord placed you here now because He knew you had the capacity to negotiate the complexities of the latter part of these latter days. He knew you would grasp the grandeur of His work and be eager to help bring it to pass."
(Russell M. Nelson, "Embrace the Future with Faith", Oct 2020 General Conference)

"The future is bright for God's covenant-keeping people. The Lord will increasingly call upon His servants who worthily hold the priesthood to bless, comfort, and strengthen mankind and to help prepare the world and its people for His Second Coming."
(Russell M. Nelson, "What we are learning and Will Never Forget", Apr 2021 General Conference)

"We are sparing no effort to give this venerable temple...a foundation that will withstand the forces of nature into the Millennium. In like manner, it is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures - perhaps measures we have never taken before - to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.
My dear brothers and sisters, these are the latter days. If you and I are to withstand the forthcoming perils and pressures, it is imperative that we each have a firm spiritual foundation built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ."
(Russell M. Nelson, "The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation", Oct 2021 general Conference)

"We have never needed positive spiritual momentum more than we do now, to counteract the speed with which evil and the darker signs of the times are intensifying. Positive spiritual momentum will keep us moving forward amid the fear and uncertainty created by pandemics, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and armed hostilities."
(Russell M. Nelson, "The Power of Spiritual Momentum", Apr 2022 General Conference)

"One crucial element of (the gathering of Israel) is preparing a people who are able, ready, and worthy to receive the Lord when He comes again, a people who have already chosen Jesus Christ over this fallen world...I call upon you, my dear brothers and sisters, to become this righteous people."
(Russell M. Nelson, "Overcome the World and Find Rest", Oct 2022 General Conference)

Day 3344

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