Monday, April 27, 2020

Today's Favorite Verse: Mosiah 26:18

Today's Favorite Verse: Mosiah 26:18
"Yea, blessed is this people who are willing to bear my name; for in my name shall they be called; and they are mine."

I was just thinking about the importance and timing of the prophet emphasizing that the correct name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be used. I recall years ago an interview with a governor after a hurricane had devastated his state. The governor said that much help had come from the LDS Church and the Mormons. He didn't realize they were the same people. He didn't realize that in reality it was a nickname and not "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" that was helping him.

I am seeing so many articles now of all these food pantries and other faith's charities that the church is sending food donations to. I was really struck today on how this is all being done under the correct name of the church and that Jesus Christ is at the head. We are a people willing to bear His name.

I'm preparing for this coming Sabbath to be Fast Sunday. This will be our third fast since things were locked down and church meetings were suspended. Fast Sunday is now in my home. I will fast for two meals and then give a fast offering donation online to the church. Those funds will first be used locally and the surplus the church will use to continue to help those in need. I do not know who it is for but I know they are my brother or sister. What an amazing and humbling process this all is. How many things had to be done over the years line upon line, to bring us to a day that we can stand and bear Christ's name in helping others. I feel this coming fast will be even more holy and special because it's more quiet in its nature.

Day 1855

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