Friday, September 2, 2022

Today's Favorite Verse: Psalms 76:10

Today's Favorite Verse: Psalms 76:10
"Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain."

I pondered on what this verse could mean by the "wrath of man shall praise thee". I looked for references using this verse.

"Thus we see, that the wrath of man is made to praise God. The acts of men are converted to the glory of God, and fight as they may, contend as they may, resist this work as they may, this work, the foundation of which God has laid, they can do naught against it. On the contrary, everything they do contributes to its establishment; contributes to prove its divine authenticity, to show that there is an overruling power greater than that of man, even the power of the Most High God, and that he causes the nations of the earth and the powers of the earth to praise him, to add to his glory and to the accomplishment of his purposes."
(George Q. Cannon, Persecution Fulfilling Prophecy, Etc." JD 23:271)

"That is the kind of feeling he had; that is the kind of feeling we want to possess, and feel that God is ours and we are his, and that we are associated with his Church and his kingdom, and are doing his will and carrying out his purposes upon the earth. And it is all the same with us then, whether in peace or war; nobody need have any trembling in the knees, for no power can harm the Saints of God if they continue to be followers of that which is good. The Psalmist says, “Surely the wrath of men shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.” He will turn and overturn, until ultimately the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ; and he will rule forever and ever. Whilst those that set themselves and run against the bosses of Jehovah's buckler, shall find that they have God to cope with, and that they are but potsherds of the earth, and that they will wilt and wither and die and be damned. There is no power on earth that can hurt Israel as long as they shall be found doing what is right, obeying the commandments of God, keeping their covenants and preserving themselves in purity and honor before him."
(John Taylor, "Power and Effects of the Gospel", JD 20:300)

"I make these remarks that you may understand that our Father controls the results of our acts at his own pleasure, and we cannot prevent it. Man can produce and control his own acts, but he has no control over their results. God causes even the wrath of man to praise him, to resound to his glory and the salvation of his children."
(Brigham Young, "Hints to Faultfinders", JD 8:11)

"This kingdom progresses. Who has eyes to behold the handiwork of the Lord? The trials we have been passing through in this Territory, from our enemies, we think are terrible; but these trials are only like a drop to a bucketful, compared with what many of this people have heretofore passed through. Contrasted with Missouri, our present and late trials are very trifling, very light, and very easy upon us. You may let your hearts be comforted, those of you who can see the hand of the Lord in leading this people and restraining the wrath of our enemies. Can any of you see? Yes, a great many. If your eyes were opened, you would see his hand in the midst of the nations of the earth in the setting up of governments and in the downfall of kingdoms in the revolutions, wars, famine, distress, and wretchedness among the inhabitants of the earth. In these manifestations you would discern the footsteps of the Almighty just as plainly as you may see the footsteps of your children upon the soft earth."
(Brigham Young, Necessity of Trials", JD 7:139)

Now I could understand that praise comes from God turning evil for our good. I think the example of mobs forcing the saints out of Nauvoo, and to the point they cross the plains and come to the Salt Lake Valley, shows how out of evil the experience can make a desert blossom as a rose. While the saints were in the safety of the everlasting hills they were far away when the Civil War broke out in our nation.

Day 2713

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