Friday, October 11, 2024

Today's Favorite Verse: Alma 37:33-34

Today's Favorite Verse: Alma 37:33-34
"Preach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be meek and lowly in heart; teach them to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls."

Alma is speaking to his son Helaman. He is giving him charge of the plates of Nephi, brass plates, the twenty-four Jaredite plates, the interpreters, and the Liahona. With the twenty-four plates he is told what to share and what not to share. Then Alma gives Helaman a charge on what he is to preach to the people. As I read this I thought how this is exactly the counsel given to us during general conference. Prophets of old, and prophets today teach the same things, for it makes no difference in what era we live the natural man and his weaknesses are the same. The plan of happiness is for us all.

"Some may wonder why General Authorities speak of the same things from conference to conference. As I study the utterances of the prophets through the centuries, their pattern is very clear. We seek, in the words of Alma, to teach people “an everlasting hatred against sin and iniquity.” We preach “repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. We praise humility. We seek to teach people “to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. We teach our people “to never be weary of good works.
Prophets say the same things because we face basically the same problems. Brothers and sisters, the solutions to these problems have not changed. It would be a poor lighthouse that gave off a different signal to guide every ship entering a harbor. It would be a poor mountain guide who, knowing the safe route up a mountainside, took his trusting charges up unpredictable and perilous paths from which no traveler returns."
(Spencer W. Kimball, "The Stone Cut without Hands", Apr 1976 General Conference)

"Recently I have found myself drawn to the Lord’s instruction given through the Prophet Joseph Smith: “Say nothing but repentance unto this generation.” This declaration is often repeated throughout scripture. It prompts an obvious question: “Does everyone need to repent?” The answer is yes."
(Russell M. Nelson, "We Can Do Better and Be Better", Apr 2019 General Conference)

Day 3481

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