Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Today's Favorite Verse: Alma 20:26-27

Today's Favorite Verse: Alma 20:26-27
"And when he saw that Ammon had no desire to destroy him, and when he also saw the great love he had for his son Lamoni, he was astonished exceedingly, and said: Because this is all that thou hast desired, that I would release thy brethren, and suffer that my son Lamoni should retain his kingdom, behold, I will grant unto you that my son may retain his kingdom from this time and forever; and I will govern him no more—
And I will also grant unto thee that thy brethren may be cast out of prison, and thou and thy brethren may come unto me, in my kingdom; for I shall greatly desire to see thee. For the king was greatly astonished at the words which he had spoken, and also at the words which had been spoken by his son Lamoni, therefore he was desirous to learn them."

I pondered on how hearts are changed when you show care and love towards others. It was Ammon's love for Lamoni that softened the kings heart. He asked nothing for himself, but only to defend and help his friends. It reminded me of how important it is to be a peacemaker too.

Day 3464

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