Thursday, November 19, 2015

Today's Favorite Verse: Jacob 2:29

Today's Favorite Verse: Jacob 2:29
"Wherefore, this people shall keep my commandments, saith the Lord of Hosts, or cursed be the land for their sakes."

I pondered on why the Lord would curse this land for my sake. I read the footnotes and read about the blessing on this land, which is now the United States of America. Ether described it best.

Ether 2:12 "Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall posses it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."

So there is a covenant on this land that we must serve Jesus Christ. We do have a long history of being a Christian nation. I know nations cannot be punished in the next life but only in this one. Only people can be punished for their sins in the next life. The land holds the body of people living upon it. When the land is cursed it will effect everyone living there. Cursing the land is a way for the people to stop and think about what has brought bondage and captivity upon them. It will bring them to a remembrance of the Lord, when they would not be humble by themselves.

I know I had to learn the cause and effect of sin in my life.  When my funds were so limited I chose to hold back the Lord's tithing in order to buy what I considered necessities of life. I justified my needs before the Lords' commandments. I didn't have the faith or trust in this law. As a result I became in so much financial bondage. I learned It is a hole you cannot dig out of on your own. Learning to have faith to pay my tithing has brought more blessings than money to me. That cause and effect of paying vs not paying tithing has taught me well. I cannot afford to not pay my tithing. I cannot afford to not keep the commandments.

I think then that the cursing on the land gives its people the opportunity to turn their hearts back to God. That is such a timely message for my day. As a nation we are in a bondage and captivity of our own making. It only seems to get worse as I see our nation become less of a God fearing nation. The one cursing I do not see is a captivity from other nations. As I watch the news that seems right at our doorstep. It doesn't mean it has to happen. We just need to turn out hearts back to God as a nation. I would love to shout that from the rooftops. But, all I am is one, but I will do my part. I will serve the God of this land, for I love him. 

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