Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Today's Favorite Verse: Jacob 1:7

Today's Favorite Verse: Jacob 1:7
"Wherefore, we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to come unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his rest, lest by any means he should swear in this wrath they should not enter in, as in the provocation in the days of temptation while the children of Israel were in the wilderness."

I pondered on how entering into the Lord's rest is not only obtained after we die. It is something to be sought after and obtained in this life. It is the greatest blessing God can give us. The children of Israel could not obtain it because they erred in their hearts and did not want to know him. They were made to wander in the wilderness, until that generation passed away. I pondered on what "entering into his rest" means.

I read all the footnotes and scriptures references. I found it interesting on how many references talked about wars. It was all going on in the background while God's people entered into his rest. If ever there is a time people need to enter into his rest is now. This verse seemed especially fitting to me, given what is happening with terrorist right now.

Psalms 37: 7 "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass."

I know it is possible to enter into his rest, if I turn away from the world and its philosophies and only come unto Christ. The key is to purge myself of all the false traditions of my fathers, and the learned men of the world that want to corrupt the ways of the Lord. I do not imagine for a moment rest means I'm sitting on my butt doing nothing. It means I have that peace that passes understand in the midst of battles. I do have that even with all the horrible thing I see. I know that God is there and he comforts me. But there is more that comes with entering into his rest.

Isaiah 11:2 "And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord."

This world needs people that have entered into the rest of the Lord, It is only with the inspiration of the spirit that we will have the wisdom to make the right decisions for our nations and its people. Never has the need for wise men that counsel with the Lord been greater.

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