Today's favorite verse: 1 Peter 5:2-3
"Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock."
I knew when I read this that it was speaking of priestcrafts. I decided to look up in the bible references to the word priestcraft and found nothing there. That rather surprised me, the Book of Mormon warns of this. Then I realized this is one of the plain and precious things that was removed from the bible by evil and designing men. Why would you want to warn people of this practice if it may be the very thing you are doing. Thankfully enough is preserved so we can understand its concept anyways.
This is Bruce R. McConkie's definition of priestcraft found in Mormon Doctrine.
"Nephi said that the Lord "commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion." (2 Nephi 26:29.) Priesthood and priestcraft are two opposites; one is of the God, the other of the devil. When ministers claim but do not possess the priesthood; when they set themselves up as lights to their congregations, but do not preach the pure and full gospel; when their interest is in gaining personal popularity and financial gain, rather than in caring for the poor and ministering to the wants and needs of their fellow men - they are engaged, in a greater or lesser degree, in the practice of priestcrafts.
Apostasy is born of priestcrafts, for those who engage in them follow vain things, teach false doctrines, love riches, and aspire to personal honors. Men are commanded to repent of their priestcrafts and eventually, in the millennial day, these great evils will be done away."
I pondered on examples of priestcrafts I have read and seen around me. I can see the Lord's wisdom in the setting up of his church. There is no paid ministry. Callings are not held for a long time either. They are all safe guards for people to not get involved in priestcrafts. Money and praise can turn the hearts of men.
Yet, there is still danger is making money off the gospel. I have twice attended a preparedness and LDS orientated conference (not sponsored by the LDS Church), where the vendors deeply troubled me. I found people selling books with their own interpretation of gospel themes. I was troubled by one man's book but still spiritually prompted to attended his standing room only lecture. What a dangerous, dangerous man, I was ill, he had many followers eating up all the garbage coming from his mouth. His vendor table afterwards sold out of all his books. The spirit confirmed to me he was involved in a priestcraft. The spirit impressed upon me the need to stop at a different booth, belonging to a man I had long questioned. A man browsing the books beside me started a conversation, come to find out he was that very author. It was a curious thing. I felt absolutely nothing. I was rather puzzled on that, then I learned what the spirit was trying to teach me. He was neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm in the mouth, to be spued out. I had never met anyone like that before. He was offering nothing of value for his spirit was dead.
I was ill over what I was seeing, but I knew the spirit was teaching me so much. Doesn't matter what religion you are in, there are people who's heart turn from God, and only think how God's message will bring profit to them. The inspiration to twist gospel principles comes from Satan. Now that the spirit has shown me what priestcraft is I have no desire to understand those involved in it. I make sure I spend my valuable time reading the scriptures and not someone else's interpretation of them. The spirit is to be my guide.
Day 145 Tami Fitzgerald Harris
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