Monday, November 9, 2015

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 25:4, 9

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 25:4, 9
"Wherefore, hearken, O my people, which are of the house of Israel, and give ear unto my words; for because the words of Isaiah are not plain unto you, nevertheless they are plain unto all those that are filled with the spirit of prophecy. But I give unto you a prophecy, according to the spirit which is in me; wherefore I shall prophesy according to the plainness which hath been with me from the time that I came out of Jerusalem with my father; for behold, my soul delighteth in plainness unto my people, that they may learn.
And as one generation hath been destroyed among the Jews because of iniquity, even so have they been destroyed from generation to generation according to their iniquities; and never hath any of them been destroyed save it were foretold them by the prophets of the Lord"

I was wrong thinking all this time Jacob was quoting Isaiah still. He had earlier in 2 Nephi but now in this chapter I find it has been Nephi writing. Guess it really doesn't matter because it's all been Isaiah's words. I think for the first time I haven't dreaded reading these Isaiah chapters in the Book of Mormon. They have been so difficult in the past. I must have read them enough times that I can understand some of what's going on. In fact I feel like going back and reading them again. I am glad that I will revisit them as Nephi begins to explain them in plainness. This chapter is beautiful in him telling about the coming of Jesus Christ.

While I was pondering on this chapter I had a lot of questions I just could not wrap my head around. Nephi tells me that Isaiah is hard to understand unless you know concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews. Then he says he doesn't teach the manner of the Jews to his people, because of their works of darkness. He says I need the spirit of prophesy to understand Isaiah. Then Nephi begins to prophesy about Christ and our ability to understand the words of Isaiah in the last days. So what was he teaching his people on how to understand Isaiah? I live in the last days, how will I all of a sudden understand what's is written?

I have felt for a while now that books written about Isaiah are not going to be the best resource for me to understand Isaiah. At least not in my infancy of understanding. I've tried them in the past and they flew over my head. I threw away the books, sought the spirit and just purely read from the scriptures, then pondered on them and prayed some more. It has been a better experience this time. I've learned a lot, but I have a long ways to go.

As I was filled with questions I read this chapter over and over to see what it was trying to tell me. Then I think I saw it. The key is in the phrase "and never hath any of them been destroyed save it were foretold them by the prophets of the Lord."

Isaiah speaks of the destruction of the Jews throughout history, which is a type and shadow of the last days. During each of these periods a prophet of the Lord has been sent to warn the people of the need to repent or they would be destroyed. The greatest prophet of all was Jesus Christ. In the end times a prophet must also raise the warning voice a call to repentance or be destroyed. I have been so amazed by other Christian faiths that don't feel there is a need for a prophet that the bible is enough. Can't wrap my head around that when God has always sent a prophet to warn the people before destruction. It doesn't fit that the end times won't have a prophet to raise that final call, we're talking end of the world here. Nephi confirms this that he always sends a prophet.

I know that there is a living prophet Thomas S. Monson on the earth today. He holds the keys as a prophet, seer, and revelator. These keys have been handed down to him since they were restored to Joseph Smith. So what I am seeing is that a person that has the spirit of prophesy is the living prophet, just like Nephi was. The words of Isaiah will be clear and plain in the last days because we will recognize the warning voice of a prophet. Like Nephi spoke in plainness to his people, the prophet right before the Saviors return will be as plain as plain can be. There will be no misunderstanding to those that accept the Lord's prophet. They will be very clear about what is sin, the need for repentance and coming to Christ. 

Yeah, reading books about Isaiah won't get me very far. It's paying attention to the living prophet that will mean everything to me. As I listen to and accept the words of his living prophet I will be filled with the spirit and the words of Isaiah will  unfold. I can't understand one without the other. Verse 14: "Wo unto them that fight against God and the people of his church."  I think some people will be so busy fighting the church they will actually miss the prophesies of warning. What blessings are in store when I do listen to the prophet.

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