Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today's Favorite Verse: 1 Nephi 6:3

Today's Favorite Verse: 1 Nephi 6:3
"And it mattereth not to me that I am particular to give a full account of all the things of my father, for they cannot be written upon these plates, for I desire the room that I may write of the things of God."

This chapter is only 6 verses long and its interesting how this verse applies to me today. My house is in chaos with the moving back home of one of my sons today. Desiring room is a big issue. As I went to my storage unit I was disgusted with the things we are keeping there. I sat my other son and husband down and told them how I was feeling. I was so done with the clutter and mess this had to be cleaned out. 

With everything going on today I had a simply to-do item on my list. I had a box of children's books I had been saving for my future grandchildren that I wanted to donate to the Zimbabwe Humanitarian Project. I realized they needed them now, not me. I stopped what I was doing to get the box and could not find it where I had put it. All I can guess is my husband moved it and now it was lost in his mountain of junk. I was so disheartened more mess causing me grief today.

I did have 3 boxes of notebooks I could donate so my son and I took them down to the church on our way to the storage unit. I was not in a good mood, upset I lost my other items, upset about the clutter in my life. But as I dropped off those notebooks there was a little shout of joy. They had just run out of notebooks needed to finish the school kits. We were told we were an answer to their prayers. That just made me want to cry along with them. 

When I came home I told my husband I'm done with this hording. All the things I don't use that are still good someone else needs it. It should be given to bless others lives. This is a sin and we need to change our ways. Only the things that matter need to be in our home. Now I see even Nephi had an issue with space. He had to decide what was the most important to add to his plates. What he wrote needed to be of value to others, the things of God. I am going to ponder over my yardstick of what has value in my home. If I have something that another person could use today instead of me, then it has no purpose being horded in my home. I am going to be a wise steward over what I keep.

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