Saturday, December 7, 2024

Today's Favorite Verse: 3 Nephi 15:5-6

Today's Favorite Verse: 3 Nephi 15:5-6
"Behold, I am he that gave the law, and I am he who covenanted with my people Israel; therefore, the law in me is fulfilled, for I have come to fulfil the law; therefore it hath an end.
Behold, I do not destroy the prophets, for as many as have not been fulfilled in me, verily I say unto you, shall all be fulfilled."

Through Christ's life and resurrection he fulfilled the law of Moses. He was the sacrificial lamb. All things pointed to Him. Yet, not all the words of the prophets have been fulfilled. I think of how much was prophesied to happen in these latter-days and has been. All things shall be fulfilled, but not always according to how we interpret them to be. It is through natural means that the Lord works and as such I think we have missed a lot of what is going on around us.

"Even with this experience in the past, the Latter-day Saints themselves are not entirely divested of extravagant views respecting the effects which are likely to follow the fulfillment of predictions yet in the future. Are we not all inclined to look forward to many events which have been predicted by the servants of God as being of so great and wonderful, and I may say so supernatural a character, that when they shall be fulfilled they will even startle us, who believe they are coming, and will compel the unbelieving inhabitants of the earth to accept them as evidences of the truth? In our thoughts this seems to be the natural tendency. I notice it in myself; I notice it in others. When we read respecting the great events which are to take place in connection with this work, as predicted in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, are we not inclined to think that, surely, when these things shall come to pass all the earth, as well as ourselves, will be constrained to acknowledge this to be the work of God, and these events to be indeed those which have been predicted by the prophets?
Now I would not, for the world, say one word to lessen in the minds of my brethren and sisters the importance of these events; I would not say one word to weaken your proper expectations; but my experience has taught me that the Lord works in the midst of this people by natural means, and that the greatest events that have been spoken of by the holy prophets will come along so naturally as the consequence of certain causes, that unless our eyes are enlightened by the Spirit of God, and the spirit of revelation rests us, we will fail to see that these are the events predicted by the holy prophets."
(Elder George Q. Cannon, "Natural Fulfillment of Prophecy—The Israelites and the Gentiles", JD, Vol. 21, Discourse 29, pg. 264-272)

Day 3538

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