Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Today's Favorite Verse: 1 Timothy 5:22

Today's Favorite Verse: 1 Timothy 5:22
"Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure."

I really liked this quote from John Taylor. Basically, I don't withhold relief from those that suffer because I don't like the flavor of their sins. Helping someone doesn't mean I partake in their sins, or they tainted me in anyway because I showed them charity and compassion.

"Treat all men kindly, no matter who they may be—whether they are insiders or outsiders, or apostates, or anybody else—treat everybody kindly. But do not be partakers of the practices of the wicked. Do not mix up with the corrupt and evil. If they are hungry, feed them; if they are naked clothe them; if they are sick, administer to them; but do not associate with them in their abominations and their corruptions. Come out from the world and be ye separate, ye that bear the vessels of the Lord, and let “Holiness to the Lord" be written in every heart; and let us all feel that we are for Zion and for God and His Kingdom, and for those principles that will elevate us in time and throughout the eternities that are to come."
(John Taylor, "The Gathering", JD 26:66)

Day 3283

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