Friday, February 1, 2019

Today's Favorite Verse: Ezekiel 29:4

Today's Favorite Verse: Ezekiel 29:4
"But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of they rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales."

I thought the phrase "hooks in thy jaws" was an interesting one so I looked for its meaning. I found this quote from John Taylor.

"It is sometimes hard for us to realize that we are in the hands of God, and that he controls, and manages, and guides our affairs. This is the thing we wish to understand, and wish the people to understand that our confidence is in Him. People talk sometimes about what they are going to do with the “Mormons,” and the rumor flies that we are going to be rooted out, destroyed, and overthrown. We shall, when God says so, and not before. The Lord knew in former times how to put a hook into the jaws of the enemies of Israel, and he knows just as well where to place it today. The nation in which we live and all nations are in the hands of God; and so are we, and our enemies cannot help themselves nor avert the destiny that awaits them. He will accomplish his purposes towards them, and they cannot help it, and towards us, and they cannot help it. Then we are all in the hands of God, like clay in the hands of the potter, to be molded, and trained, and fashioned according to the designs of God and according to his will."
(John Taylor, Revelation from God, JD 11:157)

Even though it looks like those against God's laws maybe winning. That powers are forming against the Lord's people. We can never forget He will have us rise above it all. He knows the right way to hook into the jaws of our enemies to hold them back. Nothing will stop His hallowed hands and work to go forth. 

Day 1406

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