Saturday, June 30, 2018

Today's Favorite Verse: Psalms 137:1

Today's Favorite Verse: Psalms 137:1
"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion."

I pondered on bondage. How God's people can put themselves into bondage by seeking Babylon instead of him. One day, hopefully, they wake up and see how far they have wandered from Him. The awful condition they are in. The need to come unto Christ, and repent.

Yesterday, I was reading a news story. It told of how some were "outsmarting" the system and getting ahead. Instead of being mad over the waste of my tax dollars, I felt sadness for them. They were not getting ahead, instead now they were in bondage. That bondage leads to terrible stress, depression and anxiety, trying to live the lie. Eventually bondage enslaves them with anger, resentment, addictions, and worse things. Bondage is not a good place to be. Wickedness never was happiness. They may think they are free, but in reality they are in terrible bondage. They may think others are the cause of their bondage, but it was only them, having allowed taskmasters over them. Their bondage of Babylon will follow them into the next life. There they will no doubt weep as they remember Zion.

As I remember Zion, I do shed tears for those that have become lost, and have placed themselves into bondage. I weep for what could have been. I love the Lord, may I never find myself sitting in the middle of Babylon weeping for what I used to be.

Day 1190

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