Friday, June 1, 2018

Today's Favorite Verse: Psalms 108:2

Today's Favorite Verse: Psalms 108:2
"Awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early."

I wondered if David was awaken with the song of redeeming love playing in his head?

"And now behold, I say unto you my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?"
(Alma 5:26)

Literally, it was with my change of heart that I began to be awaken with the hymns of my redeemer playing in my head. It is most often on the mornings I am going to the temple. At first I awake only hearing the music, then gradually the words become clear. They are sweet sacred messages to me. I don't really understand all that is connected to it, but I know when I don't hear it in a certain space of time I check to see what I am neglecting or not taking care of. I find there is a lesson in the absence of it too.

I founds a very sweet song called "The Song of Redeeming Love", by Max Walters. I couldn't make out all the words but really that how I first awake to most songs. I only catch key words here and there. Enough to ponder on until I understand it all. Once I understood these words they were my heart. I could picture David sweetly singing it as a psalm too.

The Song of Redeeming Love

Oh, Lord of the heavens, to thee give I praise;
Praise and rejoicing are now my new ways.
I'll sing of thy Power, they strength and thy might.
For time ever more I will do what is right.

Oh, Savior Redeemer, of thee will I boast.
God of the heaven, Lord of the Host.
Praise to my Savior, high up above.
I'm ransomed, I'm clean.
I'm redeemed by thy love.

Shall I not now sing my sweet praises to thee;
My life from here on shall be pleasing you'll see.
My heart has been changed, Lord, only love do I feel.
I'll praise thee for ever, my heart thou didst heal.

Oh, Savior Redeemer, of thee will I boast.
God of the heaven, Lord of the Host.
Praise to my Savior, high up above.
I'm ransomed, I'm clean.
I'm redeemed by thy love.

Awake, oh my soul, and rejoice, oh my heart.
I'll love thee and serve thee and now do my part.
Thy love, my dear Savior, I'll spread all around.
That only pure love 'mongst thy children is found.

Oh praise him, oh praise him, oh praise him I sing.
To thee, my dear Savior, willing heart do I bring.
I rejoice, I am grateful to thee up above.
I'm ransomed, I'm clean,
I'm redeemed by thy love.

Oh, Savior Redeemer, of thee will I boast.
God of the heaven, Lord of the Host.
Praise to my Savior, high up above.
I'm ransomed, I'm clean.
I'm redeemed by thy love.

Day 1161

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