Sunday, October 18, 2015

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 3:13

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 3:13
"And out of weakness he shall be made strong, in that day when my work shall commence among all my people, unto the restoring thee, O house of Israel, saith the Lord."

Lehi is quoting from the brass plates the prophesies of Joseph, son of Jacob in the Old Testament. Much of what is quoted isn't in our bible today. How I wish I could read all of Joseph's prophesies and writings. He speaks of someone that would bring the writing of the tribe of Joseph forward in the latter-days. His name would be like his own, Joseph, and also named after his father. That man would be Joseph Smith, Jr.

I pondered on what his weakness were that needed to be made strong. He had no formal education, he was unlearned and could barely write. He needed scribes to write for him as he translated from the gold plates. He was very much like Moses needing Aaron to assist him in speaking.

The Lord does make weak things strong. Isn't that just amazing. I pondered on the various times I have been blessed to do things I was not physically able to. When I have been weak yet made strong. It's always so I can bless or help someone else. Playing a part in doing God's will. It is truly humbling to see what God can do, with even me. I think it moves you from faith in God to having a knowledge of the power of God, and our dependency on him. There is an amazing partnership you can be part of if we only seek to serve Him. I can see why Joseph Smith was given this first assignment when he was so weak in the abilities needed. He needed greater humility and trust in the Lord. When you know who's work this is, it gives you the faith to do all that is required.

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