Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 13:4-5, 12

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 13:4-5, 12
"And I will give children unto them to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.
And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor; the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable.
And my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they who lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of they paths.

Jacob is still quoting Isaiah and the point he is making is to liken it to our day. These three verses have in common the fact that children are oppressing and ruling over adults. I see that happening to a greater and greater extent as time is going on. I asked myself why is that? I think it is because parents have sought the advice of the "learned" in raising their children and not the Lord. When you take the Lord out of the equation then the only one being listened to is the inspiration of Satan. In direct result the destruction of the family and its roles is taking place.  

I remember when I brought my first born child home from the hospital, I found in my goodie bag a one year subscription to Parent magazine. I was a new, inexperienced parent and nervous and afraid about my role. I was thrilled to get that magazine every month and devoured it. One piece of advise I remember reading was the importance of not saying no to my child. How I struggled with that as he got into things. I used every word I could think of in order to never say the word no. I found my son simply wouldn't listen to me.

I sat myself down and had a good hard look at what I was doing. Then I talked to the Lord. The answers came on how to discipline and talk to my child. I learned it was ok to say no sometimes. I learned that my child was not born with an instruction book written by man. He was born with a mother than had a God given right to seek instruction from the Lord on how to raise him. Each child is different and they don't fit into a cookie cutter mold. I found mother's intuition is alive and well when the instruction book comes from the Lord. I could not have raised my children, and continue to do so today, if I did not let the Holy Spirit guide. I honestly believe a change in who's instruction book parents and adults are following would alter the direction we are headed. 

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