Friday, October 19, 2018

Today's Favorite Verse: Isaiah 46:10

Today's Favorite Verse: Isaiah 46:10
"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:"

This verse reminded me of a college course I took. It was a computer class and the instructor would give a weekly test, and the day before he would actually say, "This is what will be on the test." We could take notes. I was the only one in the class that sat at my computer typing as fast as I could all the test questions as he read them aloud. From those notes I would make a test paper for myself. The paper was folded in half and on one side were the questions and on the other side the answers. I would quiz myself flipping the paper back and forth going over each question and answer. I was acing all my tests. Soon the other students noticed what was happening and asked me what I was studying before the test. I told them all the test questions. How did you get them they asked? Ummm, from the teacher, when he said "This is what will be on the test."  It wasn't any mystery you just had to be paying attention. Soon they wanted copies of my notes. I thought good luck with that. I worked on them all day after class. You want to cram minutes before the test. I didn't stay in that class long because I found out I could actually test out of it and I did.

Why this experience came to mind was it's the same with Heavenly Father's plan. He has told us it from the very beginning. You will be tried and tested. These are my commandments you need to keep them. Faith, repentance and baptism are needed to return back to me. He has even told prophets through all generations what events will take place leading up to the end of time. There is no mystery, I just have to read the book. If I listen and prepare I will ace this test.

Day 1301

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