Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Today's Favorite Verse: Matthew 25:27

Today's Favorite Verse: Matthew 25:27
"Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury."

I was pondering on the parable of the talents with the eyes of testimony and sharing the gospel. When I got to this verse I wondered how would it fit, and what does it mean? How would you have usury with a testimony and who would the money exchangers be?

This is what I see. The man with one talent buried his testimony. He never fed it with the money exchangers, being those that had a testimony too. He didn't read the scriptures, possibly go to church or the temple, but just held his membership in name only. He did not strengthen his brothers or sisters or even let them strengthen him. He was afraid to serve or immerse himself fully in the gospel, because he knew not his master. That is sad. No wonder the Lord took away the very talent he had, because over time the man lost his testimony.

Day 1529

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