Thursday, August 1, 2019

Today's Favorite Verse: John 15:7

Today's Favorite Verse: John 15:7
"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you."

I know that all my prayers are answered but not always the way I will them. So, I pondered on the condition set in this verse on how I could ask what I will and it shall be done. The condition is having the spirit abide with me. It is through the spirit that I know what I can ask for so I won't ask amiss. To have the spirit always with me and only ask according to the Father's will is such a desire in me. I am learning. I remember when my father was dying. I never could ask that he be healed, I could not even speak the words. It wasn't that I didn't want him to be healed. I just knew it wasn't what the Father's plan was. I just knew it was wrong to even ask. I could ask that he have peace and comfort. What a comfort it actually was to know ahead of time what the plan was, for it to gave me peace to accept the Father's will that my dad was coming home.

A little side note. Today, I have come full circle reading all the scriptures in the standard works one chapter a day. Then sharing my favorite verse for that day. I started March 29, 2015 where I was currently reading, John 15. I have learned so much in this 4 year, 4 months and 5 day journey. I smiled when I realized I had already marked a scripture verse green in this chapter. Meaning it was my favorite verse for the day when I started. Guess what? I had a different favorite verse this time around. One thing is for sure there is always something new that will stand out to me every day. I love the scriptures and how they speak to me. This next circle around is going to be so great!

Day 1585

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