"And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?"
This is the story of the man lame from birth that Peter by the name of Jesus Christ healed. I pondered on healings. I know that some are given the gift of healing by the spirit. Yet, that power is still not of themselves. It is through the gift and power of Jesus Christ that such miracles are done. One worthy to hold the priesthood should have the same power through Jesus Christ to heal as another. It shouldn't matter which priesthood holder is giving the blessing. Maybe the words used are not as powerful to the listener, but Peter didn't use impressive words. I am not sure where the line is for the gifts of the spirit to heal, be healed and working miracles. Is there a line or is it all the timing of the Lord in the matter? I guess the key to understanding is realizing it's not the man that makes the outcome but faith in the will of the Father in the act being done.
That said how I wish I could have the opportunity to be given a blessing by an apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I would love to be free of this pain and have my leg healed. How I wish I could be out of the wheelchair and freely walk and do things again. I've had blessings and told someday I would be healed. Yet, I sit. Though as I sit I have found amazing spiritual blessings come to me. I have found the absolute beauty and holiness in patience. The healing appears to be in my heart instead of my knee. How could I loose the one for the worldliness of the other? I may not understand how miracles and healings happen, but I know the timing is the Lord's. He's plan is always a better plan than mine.
Peter and John Heal a Man Crippled Since Birth
Peter Preaches and is Arrested
Day 1594
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