Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Today's Favorite Verse: Alma 2:29-31

Today's Favorite Verse: Alma 2:29-31
"And it came to pass that Alma fought with Amlici with the sword, face to face; and they did contend mightily, one with another.
And it came to pass that Alma, being a man of God, being exercised with much faith, cried, saying: O Lord, have mercy and spare my life, that I may be an instrument in thy hand to save and preserve this people.
Now when Alma had said these words he contended again with Amlici; and he was strengthened, insomuch that he slew Amlici with the sword."

Amlici was after the order of Nehor that practiced priestcraft and slew Gideon. He was a wise and very cunning man. He started to draw the people away with the desire to be made king. This wasn't possible unless the voice of the people supported it. Which after voting they did not. This didn't stop Amlici and against their laws his people consecrated him king. Then the people went to battle. The Nephites were overcoming the Amlicites when they fled. Alma sent spies after them. That is when it was discovered that the Amlicites had joined forces with the Lamanites. The Lamanites far out numbered the Nephites so much so they could not be counted.

The Nephites are fighting for their lives, their families and country. Alma who is not a soldier, but a man of God fights for his people too. He comes in direct battle with Amlici. What struck me is Alma cries to the Lord to spare his life but he is not thinking about himself. His purpose is to be an instrument in Lord's hands to save and preserve his people. I can just see Alma, not a soldier knowing on his own he is not strong enough to slay Amlici. He knows that with the Lord all thing are possible. That weak things can be made strong. The Lord will strengthen us to fight the battles that lay ahead of us. The key is to be on the Lord's side of the battle.
It's interesting but the verse also reminded me of a fleeting thought I had today while at the temple. It came to my mind the part in Jacob 2:19 "And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, it ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good.." I had thought it rather odd because I wasn't troubled about or looking for money when that came to me. I was rather ashamed of that thought because I didn't want to be tempted with money.

So the message now I think I needed to understand today is the Lord will strengthen and bless me to finish the work he requires of me, only if it is to save, preserve and protect and help others. The purpose of that strength is to be an instrument in his hand. Not for selfish motives but to help others. With the Lord all things are possible. Whatever He asks of us he will open the way.

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