Thursday, August 31, 2023

Today's Favorite Verse: Zechariah 4:11, 14

Today's Favorite Verse: Zechariah 4:11, 14
"Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?
Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth."

The interpretation of the olive tree and candlestick is given. It is the two anointed. More is given in Revelations on the roll of these two special witnesses.

"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth."
(Revelation 11:3-4)

These two witnesses will be raised up to the Jewish nation in the last days. They will prophesy and be given the sealing power of the priesthood. They will be able to shut the heavens, have power to turn water into blood, and smith the earth with all plagues. Eventually they will be killed and their bodies will lie in the streets for three and a half days. The people of the earth will rejoice over their deaths and give gifts to one another. Then a great voice will be heard saying "Come up hither" and these two witnesses will ascended up to heaven. This will be the end times prior to the Savior's second coming.

What amazes me as I review this part of Revelations is that the people of the earth rejoice over their deaths. It seems pretty clear on what is happening when you see these two witnesses and the signs that are given. How could you mistake who they are? Why is it not a wake up call as they witness them using their priesthood power? I suppose its pretty strong delusions that make you believe a lie. Looking around our world right now I can see how that's possible.

Then I remember Elder Renlund's BYU Education Week talk this year. How we cannot always believe what our eyes see, we need to use reason and faith.

“Observation, reason and faith facilitate revelation and enable the Holy Ghost to be a reliable, trustworthy and beloved companion.”
“These elements will be key factors in producing ‘spiritual momentum in our lives,’ helping us move ‘forward amid … fear and uncertainty.’”

Day 3074

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