Monday, October 23, 2023

Today's Favorite Verse: Mark 11:25-26

Today's Favorite Verse: Mark 11:25-26
"And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."

I learned a great lesson recently on forgiveness. I had a person that I was trying so hard to forgive over the years. They borrowed money and never paid me back. I've had others do that to me in the past, but this was someone close to me, and also the largest amount of money I have ever lent someone. I lent it because I trusted them to pay me back. For the most part I wasn't consumed by the thought, but there were moments when that resentment would bubble up.

I prayed to be able to forgive them and just move on. But, each time I prayed I was told to ask them for it. Well, I didn't want the confrontation over it, so many years had pass. My plan was to forgive and let it go. Which wasn't inline with the counsel God was giving me as I prayed. It just kept getting harder and harder the more this person expressed pride over how much money they had, and how great their investments were.

Then the dam finally burst when they proudly announced they had a settlement coming, they were set for life, and boasted owing no one anything. That last part was a knife in my heart. I finally steeled my courage and asked for the money I lent them. Then I found they were not only a thief they were a liar also. They claimed to have paid me and with interest. Then the gaslighting began. Their moral character was glowingly on display. As shocking as this should have been, I actually wasn't shocked at all. Their behavior was only confirming their character. I could understand now why God wanted me to ask. It was their chance for redemption and to repent for their actions. This was their wake up call. That isn't what they chose.

This confrontation helped me heal. I was able to do as the Lord had told me to, and that was to ask, and if I didn't receive the money I could leave it in His hands. That is exactly where the matter was left. So, what I learned is forgiveness can require an action on our part, even if we were the one wronged. There is wisdom in following the counsel the Lord gives and we must do our part. Then when we have done all that we can do, we stand as a witness, and leave the rest up to God. Now, I have peace in the matter and am no longer under the bondage and judgment of being unable to forgive. I can truly now feel sorrow for them.

Day 3127

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