Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 23:8

Today's Favorite Verse: 2 Nephi 23:8
"And they shall be afraid; pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames."

I have had a great feeling of soberness come over me tonight. I've been giggling at different memes regarding the times we are living in. All of sudden I felt I need to be careful of "loud laughter". People seriously are afraid and with that rational things are not done. I've also see how the Lord has been preparing me for months, and in the past weeks and days to do specific things that have been a great blessing to our home. This chapter just extended my soberness for it speaks of the destruction before the Second Coming. We do live in extraordinary days. Today has been extraordinary.

I made some notes earlier on my impressions on this verse.

"They won't look to the Lord, but face one another. That is why they have pains and sorrow. They will not turn to the Lord to comfort or heal them. Those that turn to the Lord and face him during the end times will live. Just like Moses and the brass serpent, the children of Israel only needed to look towards it and live, and some perished because of the simpleness of the way. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace looked to Christ and he appeared to them. The flames touched them not. Those that face each other and not the Lord will be consumed by the flames."

Day 1808

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