Thursday, September 14, 2023

Today's Favorite Verse: Malachi 4:4 & Endnote

Today's Favorite Verse: Malachi 4:4 & Endnote
"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

I just finished reading the Old Testament for the third time in my life. The first time I read it was in seminary which amounted to massive speed reading sessions to complete it in a year. It takes two and a half years to read the Old Testament a chapter a day. Needless to say my first time around I didn't understand very much of it. But I could say I read it. Since I began rotating through all the scriptures this was my second time reading it with understanding. I've learned so much, and there is still so very much to learn.

My favorite verse in this closing chapter of the Old Testament speaks to my heart and my love of family history work. It is a subject so dear to me. Yet, I noticed something at the very end. It says "THE END OF THE PROPHETS". When I read that I said to myself, "No it wasn't, there was much more to come, and still to come." Then as I was pondering on this I noticed the Citation Index had something new in it. A picture taken of the prophet Spencer W. Kimball's scriptures and this very verse. I started to read his notations and then I noticed the statement he made after the endnote "THE END OF THE PROPHETS". It's the word "NO". The Citation Index also reference his conference talk when he spoke on this.

"I believe the Bible. I love the Bible. It stimulates me. It lifts me. It inspires me. And, I never tire reading its pages.
There is one phrase that brings me up short as I finish the Book of Malachi. In bold type are these words, "THE END OF THE PROPHETS".  Regardless of what the compilers meant, I do not believe that Malachi was "the end of the prophets." As I finished the New Testament, I found once more in bold letters the words, "THE END" I do not believe that even the Book of Revelation was the end."
(Spencer W. Kimball, "Continuous Revelation", Oct 1966 General Conference)

I loved President Kimball, and every prophet that came after him. I love the living prophet Russell M. Nelson. I know there is still much to come.

"We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God."
(Article of Faith 1:9)

Day 3088

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