Thursday, September 17, 2020

Today's Favorite Verse: Moroni 6:5-6

Today's Favorite Verse: Moroni 6:5-6
"And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.
And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus."

The last time I attended church in our building was March 8, 2020. The last time I was at the temple was two days later on March 10th. By that following Sunday church was canceled worldwide as we became good global citizens and stayed home to help control this virus. I am so grateful to have two priesthood holders in my home that have been able to bless and pass the sacrament to me. We have also had wonderful discussions on the welfare of our souls, and strengthen each other in the gospel. Everyone is participating in their own way, that wouldn't be possible at church. How many times does an adult male get to bless and pass the sacrament? These months at home have truly been a gift.

I haven't gotten out of the habit in the least about going to church, for church is still taking place in our home. When the day comes that we are no longer authorized to do so, I know my heart will long to be with the other saints. For now my heart and soul are being fed in our home, a place of refuge from the storm.

I am reminded of what Alma said to the poor of the Zoramites that were cast out of their places of worship.

"Behold I say unto you, do ye suppose that ye cannot worship God save it be in your synagogues only?
And moreover, I would ask, do ye suppose that ye must not worship God only once in a week?
I say unto you, it is well that ye are cast out of your synagogues, that ye may be humble, and that ye may learn wisdom..."
(Alma 32:10-12)

These are the days where much has been observed and learned.

Day 1998

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