Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Today's Favorite Verse: Lamentations 5:18

Today's Favorite Verse: Lamentations 5:18
"Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, the foxes walk upon it."

The temple is destroyed and the land desolate, foxes are walking upon it. It reminded me of something that I read about foxes spotted walking near the Western Wall. This article was back in 2019. The Jews felt it was fulfillment of prophecy and that the third temple would soon be built. That Zechariah once prophesied of the destruction of the temple would be fulfilled when left desolate and foxes walked there. They felt it was once again fulfilled and the temple was now be rebuilt. I don't know the timing on the first foxes fulfilling this prophecy and how long after the temple was rebuilt. What I do know is Babylon captured Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and it was 70 years before they could return to rebuild it.

I have to say things like this regarding the last days I may take a mental note of it, but it doesn't get me all worked up. I feel we have had sufficient witnesses of what time we are in. I think Elder Haynie expressed it very well this last general conference.

"Current conditions in the world have caused some to panic. As God’s covenant children, we do not need to chase after this or that to know how to navigate through these troubled times. We do not need to fear. The doctrine and principles that we must follow to survive spiritually and endure physically are found in the words of a living prophet. That is why President M. Russell Ballard declared that “it is no small thing … to have a prophet of God in our midst.”
(Elder Allen D. Haynie, "A Living Prophet for the Latter Days", Apr 2023 General Conference)

Day 2961

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