Today's Favorite Verse: Doctrine & Covenants 50:7-8, 13
"Behold, verily I say unto you, there are hypocrites among you, who have deceived some, which has given the adversary power; but behold such shall be reclaimed;
But the hypocrites shall be detected and shall be cut off, either in life or in death, even as I will; and wo unto them who are cut off from my church, for the same are overcome of the world.
Wherefore, I the Lord ask you this question - unto what were ye ordained?"
This is such an important chapter to understand. It grieves my heart for those that are being deceived, and have fallen into priestcrafts and occult practices giving the adversary power, like law of attraction and energy healings. There is hope for those once deceived, repented and get out, for they will be reclaimed. But, those that continue to preach false doctrine and deceive will one day have to answer to the wrath of God. The important thing to ask when anyone tries to offer you "greater light and knowledge", and secrets only for the "chosen", is to ask "unto what were ye ordained?" If what they teach or preach is not a known doctrine from one of proper authority, then it is the doctrine of devils. All the more reason to continually search the scriptures so you will know when the hypocrite is there to deceive.
Day 2053
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