Friday, October 2, 2020

Today's Favorite Verse: Doctrine & Covenants 10:67-68

 Today's Favorite Verse: Doctrine & Covenants 10:67-68

"Behold, this is my doctrine - whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church.
Whosoever declareth more or less than this, the same is not of me, but is against me; therefore he is not of my church."

This is a marvelous chapter in understanding the tactics that Satan uses to deceive and manipulate people. I really had only seen it as the chapter where the Lord explains to Joseph Smith the plan the adversary had with the lost 116 pages, and he was not to translate them again.

I have done a lot of thinking on those inside the church, that are being deceived by the false doctrine of men. I think first understanding the doctrine of Christ is essential, but pride can make people look beyond the mark. I think this one counsel, "whosoever declareth more or less than this, is not of me" is a very important one to understand. If I could have a General Conference talk that would be just for me this weekend, it would be on this subject. I am concerned for so many that I know.

This is another verse in this chapter that stood out to me.

"Now, behold, they have altered these words, because Satan saith unto them: He hath deceived you - and thus he flattereth them away to do iniquity, to get thee to tempt the Lord thy God."
(Doctrine and Covenants 10:29)

There is just so much in here that is so helpful when pondered on. If understood, and the counsel was followed one would stay on the straight and narrow path.

Day 2013

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